Systemic Consultation and Supervision Programme: Making learning sustainable

Systemic Consultation and Supervision Programme: Making learning sustainable

Systemic Consultation and Supervision Programme: Making learning sustainable

One of the challenges of using new skills and approaches following training is ensuring that practitioners have opportunities to continue to apply their thinking in their own practice. This requires regular support and supervision and in organisations where systemic practice is not yet embedded as a routine practice, this can be a challenge. To meet this need, we offer a year long, consultation/supervision programme which is open to practitioners who have completed Foundation or Intermediate level training.

This programme offers opportunities for practitioners to bring their own practice dilemmas and can be supported by relevant literature and training input. It can be adapted to meet organisational and individual practitioner needs.

Our in-house programme will run at FTTN’s premises at 50 Wellington Street, Glasgow and costs £250 for a programme of ten, two hour sessions. The maximum group size is 12 and the consultant will be a UKCP-registered Systemic Psychotherapist, many of whom are AFT accredited supervisors. This programme meets the group supervision requirements for Systemic Practitioners who are registered with AFT.

Our next course starts in October and we are taking applications for the programme, with a deposit of £50 to hold a place.